Alexander Beletsky's development blog

My profession is engineering

Spell checker for VS2010

I’ve noticed that I do a lot of spell mistakes in my posts, so I started to think about some online tools that would do spell checking before submit post to blog. There are several good enough, but the problem is that they work with a plain text, but I do posts in HTML first.. so checker was giving a lot of mistakes on HTML tags, that is pretty annoying.

As I do my posts in VS initially I started to look for some pluggins that would do spell checking just within Visual Studio, so you don’t need any other tools. I came up with very nice one, so I want to share it with you:

Checker for VS 2010 by Noah Richards

Easy to install and use.. Spell checking for HTML/ code, as well as source code (commentaries). So, I hope are not going to see spell any bugs in my posts any more.